General office of LLC "UKRBIOTAL": +38(0362) 62-21-15
Model | Description |
ERD | Basic plant, made of polypropylene with dehydration unit |
ERD-R | Basic plant with box-recuperator |
ERD-RB | Basic plant with box-recuperator and biological filter |
ERD-B | Basic plant with biological filter |
ERD-BU | Basic plant with biological filter and UV disinfection unit |
ERD-RBU | Basic plant with biological filter, box-recuperator and UV disinfection unit |
Capacity of monoblock plants (BIOTAL-ERD) of increased strength is from 1.5 to 10 m³/day. This type of monoblock plant is designed for underground installation in dry ground (the groundwater level should not be higher than the bottom of the plant). The shell of the plant is all-welded, with ribs of rigidity, which ensure the strength of the shell during underground installation without the use of ferro-concrete wells. Installation of the plant is carried out on a concrete foundation with layered filling of sand with the addition of cement.
The automatic control unit of the BIOTAL plant and the blower can be installed in an existing non-residential heated room equipped with ventilation, a specially constructed blower building or in a box-recuperator that is installed in the plant ceiling. Cables and air ducts must be laid in protective cases. The maximum distance from the plant to the blower building is 20 meters. The drainage of treated sewage is possible by gravity or by a pump installed in the tertiary settler of the plant.
Please note! The warranty period for BIOTAL plants is 5 years, for the control unit and blowers – 3 years, for pumping equipment – 2 years.
Service maintenance of monobloc installation BIOTAL we recommend to conduct: for private sector objects (cottages, private and country houses, mansions …) – once a quarter, and for other types of objects (gas stations, cafes, hotels, production .. .) – 1 time per month. ”